SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union's philosophy of "people helping people" is synonymous with our commitment to help support educational programs and provide partnership opportunities within our schools and communities. We actively support the credit union movement and believe our number one priority is to provide services and assistance in order to help improve the lives of school employees and their families within our community.

SchoolsFirst FCU receives many solicitations for donations, volunteer support and community sponsorships. The following provides a guideline for how requests are considered.

Last year, SchoolsFirst FCU donated more than $1 million in cash and in kind support to various schools, foundations, and local organizations that fit within the SchoolsFirst FCU eligibility guidelines. We continue to work with signature charities including Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Children's Health of Orange County and Children's Miracle Network. These guidelines will not cover every possibility, special need or opportunity. SchoolsFirst FCU may make exceptions while considering the purpose for making contributions.

Contribution Guidelines

To be eligible for contributions, organizations must qualify for education-related initiatives that promote the advancement of education in literacy, math and science within K-12, colleges and universities, and/or the credit union movement. SchoolsFirst FCU will give special consideration to those organizations whose goals and objectives are consistent with credit union philosophy.

We will consider contributions for:

  • School employees of the year.
  • Credit union movement.
  • Educational advancement.
  • Financial literacy.
  • School district school employee events (such as Retirement Teas and Years of Service Awards).
  • Organizations falling within our field of Membership.

SchoolsFirst FCU does not make contributions for:

  • Advertising or underwriting expenses.
  • Athletic teams, support organizations.
  • Campus student organizations, fraternities, sororities, honor societies.
  • Choirs, bands or drill teams or team sponsorships.
  • Political/partisan endorsements.
  • Promotions of religious beliefs.
  • Individuals seeking funds for personal endeavors.
  • Merchandise promotions.
  • Non-educational events.
  • Tuition.

Types of contributions we may make:

  • Monetary donations.
  • Time donations.
  • Other resources (promotional items, seminars, fundraisers, etc.).

Monetary Donations

All requests for monetary donations must be submitted online through the SchoolsFirst FCU's Donation Request Form. Requests must be made at least 30 days in advance of the event date. The Vice President of School and Community Relations will consider the requests. All requests for donations will be answered in writing. A copy of the request and the credit union's reply will be kept on file.

Other Resources

SchoolsFirst FCU may choose to contribute to the community through other resources. Examples include food banks (canned food drives), school supply donation containers in branches, and displaying of posters. Participation for these types of requests and participation will be decided by the Vice President of School and Community Relations and/or SchoolsFirst FCU All Team Committee.

Promotional items donations will be limited to items in stock. School and Community Relations maintain records of all items donated.

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