When you need an advance on your paycheck, don't turn to a payday lender. Our Payroll Savings Loan is an easy way to get cash until your next paycheck — at a much lower cost. And we put a small percentage of each advance in a dividend-earning account to help you get out of the cycle of borrowing from your paycheck.1

Use the funds for just about anything, from paying utility bills to buying groceries.

How it works

  • Borrow up to $500.
  • Repay your loan by automatic transfer from your savings or checking account on each scheduled payday over a 12-month period.
  • Get 5% of each advance deposited into a Payroll Savings account; you can withdraw that money – and any dividends it earned — after 12 months.1

How to qualify

  • Have direct deposit or payroll deduction.
  • Have a SchoolsFirst FCU account in good standing.
  • Complete a loan application and credit check.
  • Pay no application fee or funding fee.


Call (800) 462-8328

Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.




APR = Annual Percentage Rate. All loans subject to approval.

Rate quoted is effective as of 02/06/2025 and is subject to change. SchoolsFirst FCU has a loan program which features a range of interest rates for some of its consumer loans. A rate is based on a variety of factors, including the applicant's credit rating. SchoolsFirst FCU's maximum aggregate personal loan limit is $50,000 per qualifying Member. This includes all individual and joint personal loan credit combined.
  1. The Payroll Savings Share account will earn dividends at the Share Savings rate, and is pledged as collateral for the Payroll Savings Loan. If an early withdrawal from the Payroll Savings Share account is requested, the loan must be repaid in full, and borrowing privileges from the Payroll Savings Loan may be suspended.

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