When a loved one passes away, you may be put in charge of tending to their financial matters. This responsibility can feel overwhelming and complicated, adding to the stress of your loss. We're here to help you through this difficult time and make the process as easy as possible.

Your First Step

Call us at (800) 462-8328 or visit a branch location.

What Happens Next

A Member Service representative will ask you a few questions to understand your relationship to the deceased Member and confirm your contact information. The representative will forward the information to the appropriate departments, who'll review the account(s) for next steps. If applicable, a specialist will mail you the appropriate forms with detailed instructions.

You can deliver a certified copy of the death certificate and any additional documents in-person to one of our branches, by fax to (714) 258-4366, or mail to:

SchoolsFirst FCU
Attention: Savings Account Administration
P.O. Box 11547
Santa Ana, CA 92711-1547

How Long Will It Take?

The time it'll take to settle your loved one’s finances varies, depending on the complexity of their accounts and loans and what arrangements they made. We'll do everything we can to make the process as easy as possible for you.

Other Resources

What Happens to Debt After Death
Managing a Loved One's Finances After Death
Ask the Advisor: What To Do With an Inheritance