№ {{MEA_appId}}


Step {{currentPage}} of 5

*If a section does not apply to you, please enter N/A, for not applicable. Please note, this page will timeout after 20 minutes with no activity.
Please select an option.
First Name:
Input two or more alphabetic characters
Last Name:
Input two or more alphabetic characters
Birth Date:
Input format: MM/DD/YYYY Please enter a valid date.
Social Security Number:
Input format: XXX-XX-XXXX
Phone Number:
Input format: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Email Address1:
Enter a valid email address.
2ndEmail Address2:
Enter a valid email address.
Home Address:
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Zip Code:
Input 5 digits number.
1 Your email address may be used for future communication regarding the MEA scholarship.
2 Optional, may be a parent email.
Applicant's SchoolsFirst FCU Member Number:
Member number must be the applicant's own. A Member number from a relative is not eligible. This will be the account the funds will be transferred to if the scholarship is awarded.
Input 1-10 digit(s) number.
What is your career goal?
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Who is someone you look up to?
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
List three adjectives to describe yourself:
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
What is a new skill you hope to leave college with?
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Number of Brothers and Sisters:
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Number Attending College (include yourself):
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
What is your current grade level?

Select an option

Please list up to six Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or Honors courses you have completed. (All college applicants: To receive credit for AP, IB, or Honors courses taken in your senior year of high school, please provide applicable transcript.)
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
3 4
5 6
What High School/College/University are you currently attending?
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
What is the address of your current school? (High school only)
City: State:
Zip Code:
Must have 5 digits.
If you are currently in High School or at a Community College, please list the colleges you have applied to:
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Are you currently in consideration for other scholarships?
Select Yes or No
If so, please describe the type of scholarship, what it covers and the college to which it applies:
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
What will your major be?
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.

List your last two jobs:

Company #1
Name of Company:
Please enter the company name.
Major Responsibilities: 
Weekly Hours Worked:
Start Date:
Valid format: MM/DD/YYYY
End Date (leave blank if present):
Valid format: MM/DD/YYYY

Company #2
Name of Company:
Major Responsibilities: 
Weekly Hours Worked:
Start Date:
Input format: MM/DD/YYYY
End Date (leave blank if present):
Valid format: MM/DD/YYYY
May we contact your employers? 

If yes, name of supervisor(s):
Company #1:
Please enter the supervisor name.
Please enter the supervisor phone number. Input format: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Company #2:
Input format: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Please list up to four athletic and non-athletic school activities, school offices held, and/or community activities:
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Please list up to four awards (school and/or community) you have received:
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
In 200 words or less, please describe how a college education will impact your life and your community.
Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Total word Count :{{MEA_explanation.split(' ').length}}
How did you hear about this program?

Please complete all fields or enter N/A for not applicable.
Please select one or more options

Affirmation is required.

I HEREBY GRANT permission for use of my name and/or photograph in future publicity for the SchoolsFirst FCU Member Education Award program.

      Select an option
(Application will not be sent until you click Submit below)

Prefix: {{MEA_prefix}}
First Name: {{MEA_firstName}}
Last Name: {{MEA_lastName}}
Birth Date: {{MEA_birthDate}}
Social Security Number: {{MEA_ssnMask}}
Phone: {{MEA_phone}}
Email address: {{MEA_email}}
2nd Email address: {{MEA_email2}}
Address: {{MEA_address}}
City, State, Zip Code: {{MEA_city}}, {{MEA_state}}, {{MEA_zip}}

Applicant's SchoolsFirst FCU Member Number: {{MEA_account}}
What is your career goal?: {{career_goal}}
Who is someone that you look up to?: {{lookup_to}}
List 3 adjectives to describe yourself?: {{adj_describe}}
What is a new skill you hope to leave college with?: {{new_skill}}
Number of Brothers and Sisters: {{MEA_siblings}}
Number Attending College: {{MEA_siblingsCollege}}

Current grade level: {{getClassLevel(MEA_gradeLevel)}}
Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Honors courses you have completed:
1. {{MEA_advancedClass1}}
2. {{MEA_advancedClass2}}
3. {{MEA_advancedClass3}}
4. {{MEA_advancedClass4}}
5. {{MEA_advancedClass5}}
6. {{MEA_advancedClass6}}
School you are currently attending: {{MEA_currentSchool}}
School Address:
{{MEA_currentSchoolCity}}, {{MEA_currentSchoolState}} {{MEA_currentSchoolZip}}
List of colleges you have applied to:
Are you currently in consideration for other scholarships? {{MEA_otherScholarships}}
Description of the type of scholarship:
Major: {{MEA_major}}

Name of Company: {{MEA_firm1}}
City: {{MEA_firm1City}}
Weekly Hours Worked: {{MEA_firm1Hours}}
Major Responsibilities: {{MEA_firm1Responsibilities}}
Start date: {{MEA_firm1Start}}
End Date {{MEA_firm1End}}
Name of Company: {{MEA_firm2}}
City: {{MEA_firm2City}}
Weekly Hours Worked: {{MEA_firm2Hours}}
Major Responsibilities: {{MEA_firm2Responsibilities}}
Start date: {{MEA_firm2Start}}
End Date {{MEA_firm2End}}
Can we contact your employers? {{MEA_contactEmployers}}
Company #1: {{MEA_contactFirm1}}
Phone: {{MEA_contactFirmPhone1}}
Company #2: {{MEA_contactFirm2}}
Phone: {{MEA_contactFirmPhone2}}

Athletic and non-athletic school/community activities:
1. {{MEA_activity1}}
2. {{MEA_activity2}}
3. {{MEA_activity3}}
4. {{MEA_activity4}}
School/community awards you have received:
1. {{MEA_award1}}
2. {{MEA_award2}}
3. {{MEA_award3}}
4. {{MEA_award4}}

Please describe how a college education will impact your life and your community.


I HEREBY AFFIRM that I am currently attending, or intend to enter an accredited institution of higher learning as a full-time student for the Fall 2024 term. I understand my application file will not be complete until SchoolsFirst FCU receives my completed online application, all applicable official transcripts (high school and above), a letter of recommendation from a community member, and a letter of recommendation from a teacher or administrator (please review Member Education Award Eligibility on our website for mailing instructions, due dates and letter of recommendation templates). I authorize SchoolsFirst FCU to transfer funds into my SchoolsFirst FCU account number provided, if I am awarded this scholarship.

Yes, I HEREBY GRANT permission for use of my name and/or photograph in future publicity for the SchoolsFirst FCU Member Education Award program. No, I DO NOT GRANT permission for use of my name and/or photograph in future publicity for the SchoolsFirst FCU Member Education Award program.
{{MEA_AppYear}} Member Education Award

Application ID: {{statusAppId}}
Submit Date: {{statusSubmitDate}}
Last Name: {{statusLastName}}
Application Status {{ checkCompleted() ? 'Completed' : 'Pending'}}

Documents that we have received:

2024 Application Transcripts Teacher/Administrator Recommendation Letter Community Member Recommendation Letter

Admin Notes: {{statusComments}}

If you have any questions, please contact us at (800) 462-8328 x2024002, or send an email to communityrelations@schoolsfirstfcu.org and reference MEA in the subject line.
Member Education Award Status

To retrieve your application status, please enter the information below.
Application ID:
One or more digits
Last Name:
Two or more alphabetic characters
Member Number:
One or more digits
If you do not know your Application ID, please contact us at 800.462.8328 x4002 or send an email to communityrelations@schoolsfirstfcu.org

Open unsubmitted application

First Name:
Two or more alphabetic characters
Last Name:
Two or more alphabetic characters
Valid format:

Make sure your SSN, first and last name match your unsubmitted application.

× {{ msgBody }}
Loading  {{waitMessage}}
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Your application has been submitted.